Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On the road again...and again...

Hells bells, I've ignored my blog again! Now, how did that happen, you ask? Welllllll...there's been a whole lot going on and you'd think that would've inspired me to write, wouldn't you? Yeah, that's what I would've thought, too.

Let's just get right to it. Basically, what's been keeping me so damn busy that I've neglected the "prolific writer" part of me is that I'm making a very big change. I'm moving. Out of state. On October 1st. Again.

I know, I of the "Jeez, Jul, you take up more pages in my address book than anybody else I know!" (OK, to be fair, paper address books are so outdated that I think it's a whole lot easier to keep up with me now) is once again picking up my tent stakes and heading for another set of pastures. I'm leaving Tucson's baked and cactus-strewn valley for the lush, green mountains of the Ozarks in Northwest Arkansas. Eureka Springs area, to be a little more precise, and if you already know where the town of Rogers, is, well then, that's even more precise since that's exactly where I'm headed.

When I've told people I'm moving to NW Arkansas, I've been getting one of two reactions. The first, and by far the most common, is usually a sort of surprised, though a bit blank look, with a slight stuttering accompanied by either an, "Oh," or a, "Why are you moving there?!" That's the most common reaction, by far, since I think that most people think Arkansas = Hickcity, USA (cue the banjo music from "Deliverance," please). The other reaction is an unmitigated and enthusiastic, "Wow, that sounds exciting! What a great adventure!" Guess how many of those reactions I've gotten? Yup.

Seems like folks 'round these here parts think of Arkansas as the state of no redeeming qualities if you're gay, educated, politically-cognizant, and love cultural activities, art flicks and ethnic foods. Well, I suppose the latest newsmakers from that state haven't exactly helped. A small sampling, if you will:

1. Mom gives birth to 17th child; wants more! All home-schooled and very religious, of course, with each child sporting a Biblical moniker. All basically blonde and wholesome-as-hell looking in the media photos, too. Seventeen kids and more a-comin'. Holy cow. What're the odds they could be my new neighbors? Please, no. Well, speaking of odds, guess what, Mom & Dad? 3-5 of those kids are definitely ragin' homos, a couple of 'em could probably torture an animal at some point and I bet a healthy percentage of 'em are going to be imbibing in the most taboo of pleasures since we all know the preacher's kid is the wildest one: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex and let's not forget junk food. Gimme a deep fried Twinkie, baby! Those are the stats they don't print in the paper!

2. Whole lotta poverty and crime areas abound. Hmmmm. Well, that's pretty much Anywhere, USA, these days thanks to (in no particular order) hip-hop culture, meth and other assorted mind altering stuff you can ingest, our illustrious and esteemed Prez (excuse me, I need to regurgitate), and yes, junk food. Twinkie Defense ring a bell, anyone?

3. The state law has a glitch that legally allows children to marry. Either each other or older folks. Some wording issue. Great. Thanks. This is NOT helping me here, people!

4. Bill Clinton. That's really all I need to say on that one, isn't it? Except that I bet he ate a lot of Twinkies.

Ad infinitum.

OK, OK, I know it's not thought of as the hotbed of radical idealism, sexual revolution or cultural splendor, but that's where stereotyping gets a bad name.

Arkansas is the home of incredibly beautiful land; mountains and lakes holding a beauty that is unprecedented and frequently the reason for gasps of awestruck wonder. There is an abundance of friendly, outgoing and compassionate neighbors, ready to help a stranger feel welcome and cared for. There is industry, art, music and a deep love of land, country and family in the truest sense of the word. There are wondrous experiences that wait around every turn; cultures and foods from around the world as well as those that are as American as the proverbial apple pie and watermelon at a neighborhood BBQ. And yes, there are lots and lots of queer people to live and play with. I'll be happily at home.

Arkansas is going to be home and for a while, home is going to be on six and a half beautifully wooded acres on Beaver Lake in Rogers, where my best friend in the whole, wide world lives. She has lovingly and generously offered to share her place to me for as long as need be to get settled, so I will be joining hearth and table with Sarah, her five cats and her one very irrepressible dog, Sybil. Well, it's my understanding that apparently Sybil is "my" dog when she's bad, and Sarah's dog when she's being good!

The impending move means a lot of work for me as I can only take what will fit into my small Jetta sedan. Well, it does have a really big trunk and I can pack a lot into a small space. I've always been really good with spatial relationship puzzles and used to be the designated packer of my family's food that we hauled on vacation. Few boxes have any room left when I'm done with them! The stress of needing to sell things (to not only get rid of them but because I do need the money), letting go of unneccesary tchotchkes and otherwise purging a whole lot of stuff is immense some days. Other days I simply procrastinate and enjoy a good book. That's a lot more fun than pricing and sorting stuff for the Big Yard Sale on September 22nd!

So, I'm back here writing my blog and I will try not to be a stranger. Some of you have missed me; thanks. Some of you never realized I'd taken an unplanned hiatus, but that's OK! Stay tuned for more of what's on my mind...or another discourse on Arkansas with possibly a really politically-incorrect joke or two for accompaniment!