Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's not just the heat...

Maybe it's my age (I'll be 50 come October 25th, a birthday I've been looking forward to for most of my life), or maybe it's the heat here in Tucson or hell, it could be those dang hormonal power surges and subsequent chocolate obsessions. Or that too many people care more about Paris Hilton than Darfur's atrocities. Possibly it's the fact that I can't buy my favorite bra anymore. Maybe it's just a combination of all of those things, but dammit, I'm severely irked and sick and tired of POLITICS!

Wait, let me be a bit more clear: I'm sick and tired of Bush, Cheney, secrets, power, complete disregard for the law, coverups and just plain old bullshit. Yup, bullshit. It goes way beyon this stupid, godawful war. All that crap coming out of Washington just makes me so damn mad! Lots has bothered me for awhile, but for some reason (my crap-o-meter reached capacity?), the last straw for me was Bush's using his executive "privilege" in both commuting Scooter Libby's sentence and his refusal to allow certain information to be made available to the public, which we have every right to know.

That arrogant, idiotic and ignorant piece of, well, poop, that our country managed to get stuck with - again, thanks to the subterfuge and BS of POLITICS and EGO - just finally made me mad enough to rant in a blog (the ultimate action lately, other than posting a video rant on that addiction of mine, Youtube). Let's just tell it like it is, America: rich white men always get what they want and don't care who gets squashed in the process. Can you say "our incredibly crappy insurance system?" Sure you can, go ahead. Canada can't hear you, but Michael Moore can.

And I'm just not even gonna talk about Cheney's crap 'cause I might have a small coronary moment and I've been one of our great "most powerful country on Earth's" uninsured for 3 months now, so couldn't afford to get treated which means they wouldn't, thanks to insurance greed which is directly related to, what am I harping on today? Oh yeah, POLITICAL CRAP!

Naw, the ER'd give me some aspirin (bought through WalMart, no doubt, since their sticky fingers are in all the baked goods), charge me $12 each and tell me to eat lots of veggies and exercise something besides my brain.

But the veggies probably have bacteria on 'em and I'd get some kind of poisonous disease and die, anyway, so hell, I'm sticking with dark chocolate raspberry Godivas. I love broccoli, but let's get real: what perio-menopausal, hot-flashin', unemployed and pissed off woman picks broccoli over chocolate? Yeah, I didn't think you'd come up with an answer, either.

So, I've come to realize why my parents were always up in arms about whatever political stuff was going on in their day, and now I'm the one ranting about it instead of being youthfully selfish, ignorant and heading out the door for whatever night of debauchery I had planned for myself. I understand why people refuse to vote, saying that it makes no difference, anyway, so why bother.

Well, I'm gonna keep bothering, but I just can't stand to wait to vote to get rid of Bush. He needs to be gone. Now.

Let's plan our impeachment party. It's a candy potluck of course, so what're you bringing? (Check out this blog for all things candy: I'm bringing the aforementioned Godiva and some Lemonheads, so pucker up, America, and get crackin'.

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